We want to give you the tools to live a more conscious life with ease, especially right now. A prize from our partners could be yours. Just post on Instagram about your participation in #TGClassroom. Check @TurningGreenOrg for details!
“Everything we personally own that’s made, sold, shipped, stored, cleaned, and ultimately thrown away does some environmental harm every step of the way, harm that we’re either directly responsible for or is done on our behalf.” ― Yvon Chouinard, Founder, Patagonia
Consider what you’re wearing today. Do you remember where or when you bought your cozy sweater, favorite jeans, go-to t-shirt or other wardrobe staples?
In addition to considering what you’re wearing, think about who you’re wearing. Whose hands made your clothes, sewed your sweater, dyed your jeans or picked the cotton for your t-shirt?
We live in a world of fast fashion where companies churn out a high number of low-priced clothing at the expense of workers and our planet. In the world’s least developed countries, an estimated 40 million people sew more than 1.5 billion garments in 250,000 factories and sweatshops, each year. In many cases, these workers are not provided with fair wages or ethical working conditions. Companies like Zara and Forever 21 process 1 million garments per day; imagine the resources – both human and otherwise – required for such operations, and where these garments end up after being worn.
Now think about the materials and chemicals used to make clothes. Cotton, one of the fashion industry’s commonly used textiles, is among the most pesticide-intensive crops. Conventionally-grown cotton uses approximately 16% of the world’s insecticides and 7% of its pesticide (organiccotton.org). It is estimated that a single pound of cotton requires at least one-third of a pound (136 grams) of pesticides to produce. To put this in perspective, it takes half a pound (227 grams) of cotton to make your average t-shirt. To make matters worse, cotton requires more water than most other crops with every pair of jeans taking 1,800 gallons of water.
The $3 trillion fashion industry is one of the most harmful industries in the world. According to the Responsibility in Fashion website, “the most destructive effects of the global fashion industry result from pesticide overuse in cotton production, dumping of hazardous chemicals used in leather tanning, water pollution and emissions from textile dyeing and finishing, toxic chemicals used in dry cleaning and widespread exploitation of workers.”
The output of the apparel and footwear industries is 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions. That accounts for more than international flights and shipping combined! Emissions stem from textile production, to international shipping, to dumping of garments in landfills or incinerators. At its rapidly expanding rate, the fashion industry may be responsible for a full quarter of global emissions by 2050.
The good news is that consumers (us!) can make informed decisions with our fashion choices. When considering getting a new clothing item, refer to the Buyerarchy of Needs: use what you have, borrow, swap, thrift, make, then buy – in that order. When you choose to practice these mindful steps, you extend the life of clothing that already exists and don’t contribute to further negative impacts of the fast fashion industry. And you’ll likely save a lot of money!
If you’re looking to buy something new, there are many companies in the industry working toward positive outcomes through deep commitment and innovation. Organizations like Fibershed are building a community of farmers, ranchers and designers who work together to “create sustainable, permanent and lasting systems of production.” Businesses like Patagonia are committed to “building the best product, causing no unnecessary harm, and using business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis.” You can also support fashion businesses and designers such as Eileen Fisher, Amour Vert, Indigenous, Reformation, Nau, Nudie Jeans that prioritize human rights, worker rights and ethical supply chains as guiding principles.
Websites like Good On You assess and rate the ethical standards of clothing and accessory brands based on impact upon people, place and animals. Transparency between consumers and producers underscores the importance of buying from responsible brands.
Shopping second-hand, upcycling, trading clothes or investing in better brands upfront makes a powerful statement to support responsible, sustainable, fair trade fashion that benefits both people and planet.
The average American throws away almost 10 pounds of clothing each year. Each of us can do more to keep clothing out of landfills by swapping, buying used, repairing or upcycling.
Watch today’s video and read up on Green America’s Toxic Textiles Report. With this information fresh in your mind, write your own definition of fast fashion (maximum 50 words).
Next, assess your role in the fashion industry. Remember that while fast fashion goods may cost less, it’s important to assess its cost to the environment and to people. Ask yourself the following questions:
- Share three brands that you currently wear.
- Share three retail or online stores where you shop?
- Are your decisions contributing to fast fashion? (Let us know in 100 words)
Upload your answers as a PDF document using the upload button.
Submission Guidelines
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- Submit all entries as PDFs; no Word or Pages documents
- Be sure to include all content for your submission in one document
- Do not include # or spaces in filenames
- You will see a confirmation in green that your submission uploaded correctly; if you do not see this confirmation, please try again
- Send any questions to classroom@turninggreen.org
Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your learnings/doings on social media and tag us on Facebook @TurningGreen, on Twitter @TurningGreenOrg, and on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg and use #TGClassroom.
Does your favorite shirt have a label that says, “made with 100% pesticide-sprayed cotton, toxic chemical dyes, and/or sweatshop labor?” Highly doubtful! How can consumers ever really know what goes into making any article of clothing? Think about the full lifecycle of your favorite conventional cotton t-shirt. Knowledge is power, so get curious!
Now that you are beginning to understand the impact of fashion, let’s look more closely at your favorite shirt. Check the tag inside. What kind of information does it provide?
- Record the brand name, materials used and where it was produced.
- Research the impact this item may have had on the people who produced it and the environment.
- Make a 5 minute presentation to your household including about fast fashion and its impacts including five things that you learned. Make something simple, creative and visual for your presentation.
- Your last task is to find an alternative brand for your t-shirt that values the environment and workers.
- Share something that you learned from this challenge with a visual on a social platform of your choice. Be sure to tag @TurningGreenOrg and #TGClassroom.
Upload your response and visual as a PDF document using the upload button. Post your visual creation on social media. Tag @TurningGreenOrg and use #TGClassroom.
Submission Guidelines
- If you do not see an upload button, you need to log in
- Submit all entries as PDFs; no Word or Pages documents
- Be sure to include all content for your submission in one document
- Do not include # or spaces in filenames
- You will see a confirmation in green that your submission uploaded correctly; if you do not see this confirmation, please try again
- Send any questions to classroom@turninggreen.org
Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your learnings/doings on social media and tag us on Facebook @TurningGreen, on Twitter @TurningGreenOrg, and on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg and use #TGClassroom.
Do you have old shirts, undersized jeans, or clothing that doesn’t quite fit your unique style anymore? What do you usually do with these pieces? Consider the resources used to create those garments and the importance of extending its life. It’s time to get creative!
Collect clothing that you have outgrown or plan to toss. Take a closer look and brainstorm ideas to repurpose them.
- Does your old shirt have a pattern that would make a great bowtie or headband?
- Are your worn socks the perfect color for a scrunchie or hair tie?
- Can your jeans be made into a pencil pouch?
Plan a date with your family members and together, give new life to your old clothing, and most importantly, have fun!
Once your item is created, reflect upon the new things you’ve learned about fast fashion.
- How will repurposing fight the cycle of fast fashion?
- What other techniques will you use in your lifestyle to make sure your fashion is sustainable?
Include your reflections and be sure to take pictures of your creations and you proudly wearing them and include them in your deliverable.
Upload your reflection and photo as a pdf document using the upload button. Post a photo of your creation on social media. Tag @TurningGreenOrg and use #TGClassroom.
Submission Guidelines
- If you do not see an upload button, you need to log in
- Submit all entries as PDFs; no Word or Pages documents
- Be sure to include all content for your submission in one document
- Do not include # or spaces in filenames
- You will see a confirmation in green that your submission uploaded correctly; if you do not see this confirmation, please try again
- Send any questions to classroom@turninggreen.org
Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your learnings/doings on social media and tag us on Facebook @TurningGreen, on Twitter @TurningGreenOrg, and on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg and use #TGClassroom.