We want to give you the tools to live a more conscious life with ease, especially right now. A prize from our partners could be yours. Just post on Instagram about your participation in #TGClassroom. Check @TurningGreenOrg for details!
“Fair Trade isn’t just about coffee and cacao, it’s about everything.”
– David Bronner, Cosmic Engagement Officer, Dr. Bronner’s
You hear a lot about the importance of voting with your dollar, but how much does each purchase actually matter? A lot! Every purchase has the potential to help create a more socially, economically, and environmentally just planet. That’s why certifications like Fair Trade are so important, giving consumers an easier way to create an equitable society. But what does Fair Trade actually mean? It’s more than just fair payments for farmers; it’s a revolutionary economic system that cares about consumers, workers, and the planet.
At the store, products are just there, with little hint of origin or resources used to create what sits on the shelf. Have you ever stopped to think about how that product was made, who made it, and under what conditions? If all of those stories were presented alongside the product, you would better understand the impact a single product can have. The mission of today’s partner, Fair World Project, is to educate and advocate for a just global economy where people are treated fairly and with dignity, the environment is respected and nourished, and commerce fosters sustainable livelihoods and communities in a global society based on cooperation and solidarity.
As Fair Trade Campaigns explains, “When you choose to purchase Fair Trade products, you are endorsing an economic system that provides opportunities for international farmers, artisans, and workers to lift themselves out of poverty.”
Rather than looking at production as a piecemeal operation, Fair Trade looks at trade holistically and asks how a product can be made and sold to benefit everyone. At its core, Fair Trade supports workers’ rights, economic and community development, and environmentally-friendly production methods.
In addition to minimum prices and premiums to support development projects, there is also an environmental aspect to fair trade. To be certified Fair Trade, farmers have to improve soil and water quality, avoid harmful chemicals, manage waste, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and protect biodiversity. Fair Trade focuses on working in harmony with nature to create a system that benefits people and the planet.Because you often can’t meet the people who made your product, third-party certification and Fair Trade membership labels ensure your purchases match your values. Labels such as Fair for Life, Fairtrade America, Fair Trade Certified, World Fair Trade Organization, and Fair Trade Federation verify that a product was made following certain standards. While the specifics vary from label to label, all include fair and transparent prices for farmers, livable wages for workers, and premiums to support sustainable production and community development.
The goods you use, the food you eat, and the clothing you wear are often (almost always, in fact!) grown, produced, packaged, and transported by people you’ve never met in places you’ve never been.
To learn about the difference between Free Trade and Fair Trade, watch this video here.
- Browse through Fair Trade Campaigns’ Myths and FAQs to better understand what Fair Trade means.
- Find three ways Fair Trade goods are beneficial to people and the planet. Incorporate them into a colorful drawing or design and share it with us!
- Share your drawing on social media to inform others and inspire them to take action too! Tag @TurningGreenOrg and #TGClassroom.
Upload your drawing as a PDF document and share on social media. Tag @TurningGreenOrg and #TGClassroom.
Submission Guidelines
- If you do not see an upload button, you need to log in
- Submit all entries as PDFs; no Word or Pages documents
- Be sure to include all content for your submission in one document
- Do not include # or spaces in filenames
- You will see a confirmation in green that your submission uploaded correctly; if you do not see this confirmation, please try again
- Send any questions to classroom@turninggreen.org
Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your learnings/doings on social media and tag us on Facebook @TurningGreen, on Twitter @TurningGreenOrg, and on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg and use #TGClassroom.
Now that you are familiar with fair trade and why it is important for people and the planet, it’s time for a scavenger hunt!
Think of five products (think food, beverage, personal care) you use often. Check to see if any are already fair trade by looking for a fair trade certification symbol. If not, it’s time to go for an online scavenger hunt to find fair trade alternatives! Check out Fair Trade products on Thrive Market to get you started.
- What fair trade products did you discover in your own home?
- Which products did you find online?
- If it is a new product you found, would you consider using these in the future?
- Why or why not?
Upload a PDF Document with your responses.
Submission Guidelines
- If you do not see an upload button, you need to log in
- Submit all entries as PDFs; no Word or Pages documents
- Be sure to include all content for your submission in one document
- Do not include # or spaces in filenames
- You will see a confirmation in green that your submission uploaded correctly; if you do not see this confirmation, please try again
- Send any questions to classroom@turninggreen.org
Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your learnings/doings on social media and tag us on Facebook @TurningGreen, on Twitter @TurningGreenOrg, and on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg and use #TGClassroom.
Behind every product is the story of a real person, whose life is directly tied to the practices that you chose to support with your purchases. Here’s a chance for you to get connected with the people who grow and produce your products. This challenge will inform you about fair trade practices that promote equality and justice globally.
Take some time to learn about fair trade with the following resources:
- Look through Fair World Project’s latest publication of their magazine, For a Better World
- Watch the Dr. Bronner’s film Journey to Serendipol, which demonstrates the far-reaching positive impact fair trade can have on an entire community
Now that you have learned more about the impact fair trade has on the lives of individuals, introduce us to someone in the Fair Trade world that you discovered during your research that you would like us to meet.
- Tell us their name
- What work do they do?
- How has Fair Trade helped them?
Upload a PDF Document with your responses.
Submission Guidelines
- If you do not see an upload button, you need to log in
- Submit all entries as PDFs; no Word or Pages documents
- Be sure to include all content for your submission in one document
- Do not include # or spaces in filenames
- You will see a confirmation in green that your submission uploaded correctly; if you do not see this confirmation, please try again
- Send any questions to classroom@turninggreen.org
Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your learnings/doings on social media and tag us on Facebook @TurningGreen, on Twitter @TurningGreenOrg, and on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg and use #TGClassroom.